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Parenting the Ordinary Means, Part 1

October 1, 2011

Welcome to October. The leaves are changing and the guys are back at the internetable. Matt and Shaun are joined this month by David Milligan, another dad and able contributor to our discussion on getting the ordinary means of grace into our kids.

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Murphy’s Law and the Ordinary Means

August 1, 2011

Matt and Shaun were all set to record one more month on how to pastor the technologically addicted and – wouldn’t you know it – we had technical problems. Only one of us is Irish, but he still blames Murphy.

We encourage you to use this month to catch up on some of our older episodes and, until we see you in September, may the road rise to meet you and may the wind always be at your back.

UPDATE: On another technical note, Apple is now aware of our iTunes problems and we trust they will resolve them in the coming days to everyone’s satisfaction.

Technology and the Ordinary Means, Part 3

July 1, 2011

We are calling this month “Neil Postman Unplugged”. While many know Postman as the author of Amusing Ourselves to Death and Technopoly, he also developed a series of six questions that can help anyone who is struggling to understand the importance (or unimportance) of new media. Join us around the cyber-table as Matt and Shaun begin to consider the effects that the digital age can have on our worship.

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Technology and the Ordinary Means, Part 2

June 1, 2011

This month, Matt and Shaun continue to expose the Luddites and examine the effects of digital media on the ordinary means.

The links are still here.

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Technology and the Ordinary Means

May 1, 2011

This month, Matt and Shaun contemplate what all this new techie stuff really means to a life of godliness and sanctification.

And here are the links…

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Is the Trinity a Part of Your Gospel?

April 1, 2011

This month, Matt and Shaun ponder how our Extraordinary God reveals Himself to us through His ordinary means.

Resources we mentioned this month include…

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Is Gospel-Centered a Good Thing? Part 4

March 1, 2011

This month, Matt and Shaun conclude a four part series discussing the nature of “Gospel-Centered” churches. Is being Gospel-Centered a good thing? Well, yes, it is — if the Gospel we are centered on is the Biblical Gospel. Have a listen and feel free to recommend us!

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Is Gospel-Centered a Good Thing? Part 3

February 1, 2011

How Gospel-Centered are you? Does your Gospel allow for things like repentance and holiness or do they get pushed aside? This month, Matt and Shaun continue to consider the implications of the cross-centered life.

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Is Gospel-Centered a Good Thing? Part 2

January 6, 2011

Are you still Gospel-centered? Have you converted to Gospel-Centrism? Thinking about kicking the Gospel habit? This month, Matt and Shaun continue to consider the implications of preaching and living nothing but the cross.

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Is Gospel-Centered a Good Thing?

December 1, 2010

You’ve heard the phrases. You’ve read the books. You’ve echoed the mantras: Gospel-Centered. Christ-Centered. Cross-Centered. What do these adjectival clauses even mean? This month, Matt and Shaun take a look at the whole “centered” movement, asking what it’s strengths and weaknesses are, as well as pointing us to where they might lead in the future.

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On Community, Part 2

November 1, 2010

This month, Matt and Shaun continue to promote Biblical, God-Centered Community.

And this month’s link is:

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On Community

October 1, 2010

This month, Matt and Shaun commune over what exactly Biblical, Gospel-Community looks like.

And this month’s links are:

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On Why We Like (the PCA) Our Denomination

September 1, 2010

This month, Matt and Shaun wax eloquent on the fact that denominations might just be alright. .

And this month’s links are:

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On Church Music

August 1, 2010

This month, Matt and Shaun talk music. Church music, at least. (Sorry, Stones fans.) Yes, in under an hour, we solve the worship wars. Really. We do.

On to the books:

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On Transformationalists, Participators, and Withdrawalism

June 5, 2010

How’s that for three big words?

This month, Matt and Shaun are joined by Paul Manata in discussing Christ, Culture, and the Kingdom. Paul does a remarkable job of showing how the various “kingdom” views inadvertently cut themselves off into “reductionistic camps” (those three in the title), rather than developing consistent systems for interacting with the world.  The solution is not to take a camp, but to be a Christian: someone transformed by Christ, called out to Christ, and actively living for Christ in the world.

This closes out our multi-month series on two kingdom theology, what D.A. Carson calls the “issue for the church to wrestle with today.” Don’t miss out on these related interviews:

And of course, we mentioned books:

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